
Loopunrollingisatechniqueusedtoincreasethenumberofinstructionsexecutedbetweenexecutionsoftheloopbranchlogic.Thisreducesthenumberoftimes ...,Anattribute-likeproceduralmacroforunrollingforloopswithintegerliteralbounds.Thiscrateprovidestheunroll_for_loopsattribute-likemacrothat ...,TheUNROLLpragmatransformsloopsbycreatingmultiplescopiesoftheloop...Tip:Tounrollaloopcompletely,theloopboundsmustbekn...

Loop Unrolling

Loop unrolling is a technique used to increase the number of instructions executed between executions of the loop branch logic. This reduces the number of times ...


An attribute-like procedural macro for unrolling for loops with integer literal bounds. This crate provides the unroll_for_loops attribute-like macro that ...

pragma HLS unroll

The UNROLL pragma transforms loops by creating multiples copies of the loop ... Tip: To unroll a loop completely, the loop bounds must be known at compile time.

以費氏數列為例看loop unrolling 的效果

2017年10月7日 — 這個小例子可以說明在調校效能的時候,永遠都要用release build (有開啟編譯器最佳化參數) 的版本,而不要用debug build 。畢竟,編譯器的參數對效能有 ...


[1] (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Generalized Loop Unrolling, gives a concise introduction.

[C++] Loop Unrolling Using Metaprogramming

2014年10月26日 — 因此metaprogramming 的優點很明顯:把運算移到compile time,因此有機會可以做更多的最佳化(因為都會是已知)、可以減少程式的執行時間(因為移到編譯期了) ...

#pragma unroll

Controls loop unrolling, for improved performance. When unroll is in effect, the optimizer determines and applies the best unrolling factor for each loop; in ...

Loop unrolling

Loop unrolling, also known as loop unwinding, is a loop transformation technique that attempts to optimize a program's execution speed at the expense of its ...